~~What Really Happened to Ashley Reed? And Why Won't Anyone Talk About It?~~

Ashley Reed (Thompson) had been yet another on Travis Alexander's speed dial. Married at the time and estranged from her husband Dustin Thompson. Myspace messages between Travis and Ashley point to a chatty, flirty friendship and then Ashley directs Travis how to private message her.

Detective Flores: On 6-11-08, I received a tip through the Apache Junction Police Department. They had received an anonymous phone call from a female who stated we needed to look at a person named Dustin Thompson as someone who might have something to do with or might have information regarding the death of Travis Alexander............. We did not confront her about the phone tip, because we were still in the process of gathering intelligence on her husband, Dustin..........Dustin Thompson was not interviewed that day, because of time constraints. He did agree to come in on another day for an interview if needed..........****Court records show Ashley filed for a protective order against Dustin just months before her untimely death.

Jodi Arias changed her story to self-defense shorty after Ashley Reed died.

  • Lynn Scooter Powell IT this is the one case that can completely change Jodi's case around this so called suicide leads to Travis and the Hughes and The Church and the mad Husband for Travis having an affair with Ashely
  • Paulie Milum Very interesting! TA's speed dial huh? Also the date of death . Not a coincidence....
  • Inconvenient Truths Yep. She also reported her estranged husband as acting...strangely...around the time of TA's death....She called in the tip anonymously and when cops talked to her, she backed down from what she'd said. The estranged husband, Dustin, was never interviewed....allegedly.
  • Nene Peacock yes, that poor girl has no advocate and no one speaking for her...the silence is deafening and meaningful.
  • Marc McGee I'm pretty sure she was shot with a 9mm similar to the one Chris Hughes had his first "shooting outing" with recently.
    June 18 at 1:43am · Like
    Al says:

    Actually there are more problems than that one. But the real issue here is the current status and what options Jodi has. So let’s assume for arguments sake, that Dustin actually did this and the police should have investigated him. Given that they didn’t and that Jodi did in fact raise a self defense argument what options does she have at this stage?

    I guess if some evidence were to be uncovered that proved she had nothing to do with this killing she could hire other counsel and immediately petition the court to dismiss current counsel on grounds of incompetence. She would also have to petition the court to issue an order declaring a mistrial and a new trial. Furthermore in that new trial she would either require the court to declare all her statements about self defense in this trial inadmissible, or she would have to present proof that current counsel manipulated and/or coerced her into agreeing to the self defense charges. At that stage she would have waived any attorney client privilege between her and KN and JW and would also have questioned their integrity as attorneys which they would be forced to defend.

    On the flip side the state would now present the jury with yet another story. So we would have the I wasn’t there story, the intruder story, the self defense story and the Dustin Thompson story.

    So regardless of what the true situation may be, and what anyone else’s involvement in this case may be, the current status is that she has proffered up a current story – self defense, and has gone on the record, under oath, and claimed that there are certain aspects she does remember. I don’t believe she will ever be able to get past that in this trial, or any other re-do of this trial.

    If such a situation does in fact exist (i.e. some other guy did it) then the defense would have to collect evidence to a high degree of certitude ad possibly present it at the appellate level in a two or three-pronged presentation – newly discovered evidence leading to proof of actual innocence, inadequacy of counsel during the first trial, and possibly police or state incompetence/misconduct.

    That is all I am saying. I am not commenting on the veracity of any claim about Dustin Thompson, or molding of Jodi’s testimony.


  1. You do not mention the fact that Dustin was defrauding banks and was convicted. Where, exactly, do the Hughes fit in to that picture. And couldn't that be why Dustin was acting strange? This tragedy most certainly has nothing to do with Jodi Arias and Travis.

    1. You have the wrong Dustin. The Dustin Thompson married to Ashley Reed is not the same as the one convicted of fraud.

      Why was Dustin never questioned? Because the Hughes and his minions had hit Flores so hard with their assertions that it had to be Jodi, that he never followed up? OR did he purposely not question Dustin as to not open a potential can of worms? The questioning may have indeed exonerated Thompson. But with no answers at all, it just leaves another gaping hole in the investigation to add to the bigger picture, which at this point does not add up to Jodi Arias being rightfully convicted of 1st degree pre-meditated murder and facing the death penalty.

      Investigators and prosecutors look for evidence that will result in a conviction. Other evidence or inconsistencies are ignored. Sadly, prosecutors in this country are more often looking at winning, at the expense of the truth.

  2. Wow our minds are intertwined. I swear your words couldve been taken outta my mouth. something aint rifht

  3. it took her too long to come up with that story. i believe also another ptsd..

  4. she will appeal. she will win

  5. Then if thats the case it wasnt suicide. how can we be sure he didnt kill her. its not hard to stage a suicide. If the anglein which the gun was pointed was just rigtt.

  6. She had a restraining order? Someone who does that is ready to start a new like, not end it. my gut tells me it was Dustin

    1. Yes, Ashley did have an order of protection against her estranged husband, Dustin Thompson. About three months after, she was dead. Whether or not Dustin had anything directly to do with Travis' death, why has no one it seems, except those of us investigating unanswered questions, concerned that Ashley's autopsy report does not appear to support suicide, although the medical examiner ruled such. Why, indeed.

  7. Who was the Medical examiner that did her autopsy? Was it the same as Travis M.E.?

    1. Dr. Lyon also committed suicide, supposedly. But from what I understand, that's still under investigation. There was also a police officer in Maricopa County around the same time that committed suicide.

    2. Is that right? Interesting. Care to share a link or other info? Thank you.

    3. Google the information. His wife was really upset because it took them So long to define cause of death. Not sure what happened with it. And Dr. Lyon was also responsible for determining the police officers cause of death. Sorry I don't have links now, its been awhile. And through all the trial my computer was being messed with, because I was a Jodi supporter. Just thought I would share, so You can look into it. :)

    4. Oh, the police officers name was Officer Drenth. And Lyon was hesitant to talk to family about Drenth's suicide. The whole ME's office sounds corrupt.

    5. Yeah, I think more may come from this down the line. Although, I don't see anywhere that the medical examiner, Dr. Lyons, committed suicide. Lots of info out there and it's easy to get it confused. Some days easier than others! Although, since the humidity has mostly subsided I seem to be getting a second wind!:)

      Thanks so much for writing! Be well:)

    6. Your right' I can't find the article about Lyon's suicide. I found info on Drenth's case, but I also found that Lyon's resigned from ME in Maricopa County. But I swear I saw this during trial. It's all a bit scary. A lot of very weird things have happened . Please be So careful....I take this case Very serious. I'm scared to post any where, but I often still Do, I found this site, and I even talked to you on another web site, that was Nothing but a scandal, There were so many people that were portraying to be other people. I also was messed with by Basse, and another Connie Preston, which I wonder IF you are her. I have many reasons I feel this way. And I don't care....I just want the truth out. Jodi didn't kill Travis. I will Never believe she did this. .

    7. I am me. Although, since I only show half my face, I'm sure no one would recognize me anywhere! Ha! I am not Connie Preston. I am not Jodi's aunt or mother or long lost cousin, or lesbian lover, just in case anyone else is reading! I suggest to stay away from any sites where you feel uncomfortable or get bullied. They will try to draw you in. I have gone through it myself.

      Be well.


  8. Wonder how much experience he has had with a body caused from suicide(murdered?). A D.O. is not the same as a M.D.is it? I believe our medical examiners in TN are required to be an M.D. first. Somehow I feel this is all intertwined with Travis Alexanders' death. Just wondered, thank you for your response and keep up the good work.

    1. Thank you for your thoughts and support! A D.O. is a Doctor of Osteopathy. Oh yes, I definitely feel there is a strong possibility of a connection. Or I possibly feel there is a definite connection? Anyway....Yeah, lots of questions remain unanswered! But for how long.....?:)

  9. The medical examiner I spoke with was a female. She stated that the death was consistent with suicide with the exception being the wound. It showed that the gun was held pointing downward.

    1. The medical examiner you spoke with? Did she have more to go on besides the very short autopsy report? If not, then I don't hold much credence to her opinion, except the part about the gun angle. And most of us already can see that. But thanks for the additional voice!

  10. I have lost 2 people in my life to suicide. They were both humans with families & friends that loved them. Suicide is one of the hardest types of deaths to understand and accept by loved ones. Any possibility that it may not have been suicide is torture for the family & forces them to relive it & come to terms & acceptance of it all over again, no matter how crazy or ridiculous the possibility may be. None of you knew Ashley Reed. You don't know ANYTHING of value or substance when it comes to her. Do you see her family petitioning online to have the case further investigated? Do you see them in the news saying theres no way she would have killed herself? NO! Meaning those that did know & love her & who had real insight into her life BELIEVE it. They have accepted it which is IMPOSSIBLE if they didn't believe it true. Yet you drag her name into this mess. Despicable & Disgusting. This behavior is vile. PS You constantly claim others guilty of libel. Read what you wrote & implied about Dustin Thompson. You also have no evidence of any kind to support your supposition. I do believe that would be called Libel my dear! I have taken screenshots (you know your other favorite thing to do besides harass & accuse others of slander) & sent them to the families of the individuals discussed along with the contact information of a great lawyer I know.

    1. First, are you an immediate family member of Ashley Reed? If so, contact me by email with your full name.

      Second, I lost my only brother to suicide a year ago. If someone came to me and pointed out possible signs of foul play, I would do everything I could to investigate until any doubt was gone. Everyone is different. You appear to want to speak for the family. I don't know you, and since you won't identify yourself I would say you have no idea what the family or anyone else has done to question Ashley's death. Your assumptions of "they" are just that...assumptions. But your screaming, "impossible" is.....well, unsettling.

      If the Dustin Thompson involved in this case would like to contact me directly and clear up any misunderstandings or posts I might have made in error, please feel free to pass on my blog, and I'll deal with Mr. Thompson myself.

      Interesting timing as more of the truth is squirming its way out in Phoenix. Seems like there is a fog...a Mormon fog...on the horizon. Read up on your brothers and sisters who have left the Mormon cult.....if you are brave enough. Secrets and lies are marching a woman who killed in self-defense, or not at all, to her own pre-meditated murder. If Travis Alexander was 1/10th the man his followers have made him out to be he would be livid at what has happened. But the state and it looks like the church both want Jodi dead....and perhaps wanted Travis dead as well. Why?

  11. There was also the suicide of one of Jodi's male friends brother who took his own life the same day that Jodi was arrested. Then three months later Ashley commits suicide? There has to be more to these two deaths than just suicide just like there is more than Flores son Tony dying in a zip line accident. One theory for the suicide of Ashley and the brother of Jodi's friend could be that Ashley had become jealous of Travis and conspired with the friends brother who had been sexually abused to kill Travis. They arrived the during the day of J408 and then found Jodi and Travis in the house together. Travis is killed and then the murder is conveniently blamed on Jodi. Ashley fits into this conspiracy rather easily being friends with Travis nearly two years before Jodi even met him. Fitting the brother of Jodi's friend into the conspiracy is more difficult.

    1. Do you happen to have the name of Jodi's friend's brother reported to have committed suicide 3 months before Jodi was arrested, or her friend's name?


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