Sunday, November 20, 2016


Notice no option
exists to make a
contribution under
I'm not a lawyer or even a paid journalist. But I have been a fighter against injustice and corruption my whole life. I have even succeeded a few times. I love it.  So if you find any value here, please consider a donation so I can continue to tell the inconvenient truths mainstream media will not tell until the damage, the theft, and more is already done. Unlike Trump, my solicitation is simple.  I don't require much. And I don't ask for much. So, here is some of what I've found with Donald Trump and the Republican party's donation solicitation efforts so far. I'm posting this quickly, because it's important.  Don the Con should not serve even one day as president of this country. 

Please check back often as I add more proof.
This was my second donation.  So, it appears
once you are in the system, you are "upsold" to
donate a higher amount, $150.

This will be the company he
blames when this catches
up to him. He'll play, "I knew
nothing" all the way to the bank.

Anyone who agrees that Trump's
solicitations are misleading can file a
complaint with their state attorney general.

So far Facebook has not addressed the issue of campaign donation solicitations.  They are addressing "fake news" sites, though. I suspect each will blame the other when this house of cards starts to fall.


  1. Trump recently settled for 25 million $$'s in his Trump University fraud and rackateering case. Is that an admission of guilt? Some people believe so.

    His other potential conflicts of interest might make for some interesting reading. The International community is quite cautious when it comes to Trump and trust is at a very low level. I'm not surprised given the sheer number of lies he spewed during his campaign. Trump thinks nobody cares about this.

  2. November is Alzheimer's awareness month. People with this condition need caretakers, especially those with knowledge of the condition. Most people with this condition need to stay in familiar environments. Forgetfulness, confabulation and confusion are some traits easily observed by those with genuine awareness of this condition. With that said, I'm quite aware of your experience and insight in this area and value your opinions.

    I also must mention that I see this going on with President Elect Trump. Time will tell, but to me it's becoming quite obvious.

  3. This is interesting... The Dworkin Report


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